Professor Rudolf Römer is head of the research group “Disordered Quantum Systems” (DisQS) at the University of Warwick (UK). He was Director of Warwick’s former Centre for Scientific Computing (2005/07-2010); organizer of the PhysicsDays (2010-2015); and chair of the departmental research committee (2015-2020). He is also editor-in-chief of Physica E (Nanostructures and low dimensional systems) and on the editorial boards of Physics Open as well as Scientific Reports. He is currently co-editing the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics. He is author of nearly 200 scientific publications.
Rudo’s background is in theoretical condensed matter physics where he studies interacting and disordered quantum many-body systems. On a day-to-day level, this means that he is using computing power to solve the famous Schrödinger equations in many different physical situations.