Cat Allman
Cat Allman is VP, Open Source Research at Digital Science. Involved with the global open source technology community since the 1980s, her focus has been helping people and their communities develop and meet their goals. Along with 12+ years with the Google Open Source Programs Office, Cat has been co-organizer of Science Foo Camp and founder of the Sci Foo Alumni community for 12+ years. Her past and present board and committee service includes the FreeBSD Foundation, the IEEE Standards Association Open Source Committee (OSCom), the Portland State University Digital Cities Testbed Center Advisory Committee, four terms with USENIX.org, and three years as a jury member for Falling Walls Labs.
Articles by Cat Allman
Where do ideas come from?
Fostering innovation requires more than just tools – it demands unique ways of bringing people together. One of Digital Science’s most intriguing initiatives is our longstanding collaboration with Science Foo Camp (Sci Foo), an “un-conference” that challenges traditional meeting formats. Encouraging collaborative, cross-disciplinary conversations can help researchers explore new perspectives and form connections that fuel the development of fresh, impactful ideas. Here Sci Foo veteran Cat Allman gives the big picture of what this can look like – literally!
Our new avenue for interesting things
Welcome to Digital Science TL;DR, our new avenue for interesting things!
We bring you short, sharp insights into what’s going on across the Digital Science group; both through our in-house experts and in conversation with amazing people from the community. And we’ll keep it brief!