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Digital Science and Artificial Intelligence
Digital Science supports your journey towards AI adoption using our technical and analytical capabilities
An all-in-one institutional repository: Loughborough University’s DSpace migration
Loughborough University implemented and configured Figshare to be used as a data repository.
Using Edge Hill University’s National Teaching Repository
The National Teaching Repository is being hosted on Edge Hill’s Figshare and includes content submitted by teaching faculty from across the UK.
International Arctic Research
This project is the first-ever attempt to create a comprehensive view of global Arctic research funding using a dataset of such magnitude.
Technology to Uncover the Academic Story
Discover how our tools provide emerging technology for institutional analytics.
What shape will the post-COVID university take
Online learning is fragmenting the traditional model of the university as a single site for both education and research.
Higher education and the pandemic
In this article published in THE Simon Baker uses Dimensions to look at what the coming months may bring.
Gender Representation in UK Institutions Tool
Analysis from industry experts looks at the open monograph landscape in 2019.
The Ascent of Open Access
While most trends are encouraging the research community is now demanding more enforcement of mandates.
The Fourth Age of Research in Australasia
This report looks at international collaboration patterns focussing on the Australasian region.