International Arctic Research
This pilot analysis is the result of an exploratory collaboration between the UArctic Science & Research Analytics Task Force and Digital Science’s international research teams. This project is the first-ever attempt to create a comprehensive view of global Arctic research funding using a dataset of such magnitude.
Analyzing Global Funding Trends
The aim was to assess the global funding landscape around Arctic-related research for the decade spanning 2006 to 2015 using the funding data from the Dimensions dataset, which includes information from over 200 funders on more than 2,500,000 projects with funding totalling $1 trillion+ (in US Dollars).

Scholarly Output Trends
This working paper undertakes a preliminary analysis of how a similar approach could be used with a publications database.

Arctic Altmetrics: Alternative Perspectives on the Impact of Arctic Research
There exist a significant number of information sources with which to assess the social impact of the findings produced by Arctic researchers and institutions. In this working paper, we provide some alternative perspectives of the way one could view the impact being made by Arctic-related science.