Case within Preprints: Is the Author Real?
Case within Preprints: Is the Author Real?
An assumption at the heart of the scientific publication process is that the author of a manuscript is a scientist. But how can we tell when that is not the case? This supplements an article in The Scholarly Kitchen highlighting one case of a person acting as a scientist and placing papers on multiple preprint platforms.
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Reproducibility should be a natural and integral part of the research process – embedded and invisible wherever possible. We are committed to supporting researchers on their path to a more open and reproducible research.
Ripeta aims to make better science easier by providing a quick and accurate way to assess the trustworthiness of research. Ripeta focuses on assessing the quality of the reporting and robustness of the scientific method.
Making Science Better
The report focuses on the increasing importance of failure in supporting modern research and addresses three areas including appropriate documentation and sharing of research data, clear analysis and processes, and the sharing of code.