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We deliver a range analytical services, from one-off tasks to multi-year partnerships. Below are some examples, but this is not exhaustive. Would you like to see examples of our advanced analysis? Discuss your needs? Schedule a discussion today.

Scientific portfolio analysis

The breadth of Dimensions data and the extensive networks of linkages facilitates robust portfolio analysis. Beyond determining relative strengths and identifying gaps, our analysts use our data to provide a view across your portfolio to improve efficiency and effectiveness including:

  • Recognizing opportunities for collaboration
  • Locating experts to perform reviews and staff committees to promote informed decision-making
  • Understanding how support and resources are distributed across programs
  • Maximizing funding by leveraging investments of others
  • Pinpointing trends in funding, effort, and outputs
  • Assessing how funded research aligns with strategic plans and priorities

Situational awareness

Digital Science’s Dimensions platform is an ideal foundation for helping you to maintain situational awareness about rapidly evolving activities in research.  The COVID-19 pandemic is just the latest in examples where agencies need to have real-time updates about scientific innovations.

COVID-19 Initiatives Updated Daily

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Dimensions Data on Google Big Query allows for real-time analysis

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Program evaluation

Not only is Dimensions the largest collection of research data, our unique reach expands beyond publications to include grants, patents, clinical trials, policy documents, and data sets, providing a more complete picture of activity and impact. Leveraging the power of our data, Digital Science’s expert analysts work with you and your stakeholders on comprehensive, collaborative program analysis to provide a thorough, custom evaluation of current programs and actionable recommendations to improve effectiveness of future endeavors. 

Horizon scanning

Digital Science’s Dimensions platform is an ideal foundation for Horizon Scanning, supporting governments and funders around the world in identifying the ‘unknown unknowns’. With hundreds of millions documents and billions of relationships, Dimensions is the largest corpus of data relevant to Horizon Scanning of science and technology. Dimensions includes data that captures scientific ideas at their inception as they’re proposed by researchers for funding, as well as data sources that can indicate trends and innovation in the commercial sector.

Various features of the data, such as document type, dates, and categories, provide easy-to-use facets to define a corpus of interest for a particular study. Dimensions data can be accessed in multiple complementary ways to support the identification of weak and early signals, trends, and oddities that may be indicative of opportunities or threats. Our data supports standard and validated indicators for horizon scanning, as well as the experimentation and validation of novel indicators. 

Topic modeling analysis: identify topics within a dataset and identify the ‘unknown unknowns’

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Research landscape: how one University used the Dimensions API to explore nanoscience and technology trends.

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Receive proactive alerts about new grants and publications.

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Landscape assessment

Research is continually evolving and dynamics within and between fields change constantly. Landscape assessments ensure you understand the lay of the land and are prepared to adapt to change. Our analysts use Dimensions to help you:

  • Identify major global research areas.
  • Understand how scientific fields are changing. 
  • Assess emerging trends within a specific field of study. 
  • Recognize the experts in these fields.
  • Who are the top funders? Top research organizations? Who is collaborating?

Technology watch

Dimensions is also the ideal foundation for Technology Watch, supporting governments and funders around the world carrying out strategic assessments of current, emerging, and future technologies pertinent to their mission. With a focus on the ‘known unknown’, technology watch frequently complements horizon scanning activity which is focused on the ‘unknown unknown’. Dimensions includes data that extends across traditional data silos, including:

  • Grants: pre-research ideas
  • Preprints: research-in-progress
  • Publications: published research
  • Patents, Policy Documents, Clinical Trials: research applications

Various features of the data provide easy-to-use facets to define a corpus of interest for a particular study. Dimensions data can be accessed in multiple complementary ways to support analysts in observing, tracking, and assessing potential technologies without the traditional confines of narrow types of research activity.

GBQ Report: Quickly monitor and analyze all research information about your high-priority, mission-critical topic.

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Concept Co-Occurence: Discover the relationships between concepts within your field and spot convergences.

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Impact assessment

Impact is the cornerstone of many institutional missions. Impact is no longer seen as simply the volume of outputs or interventions; it includes long-term effects on populations, communities, the environment, research fields, and researchers themselves. Our analysts help you understand whether your impact is delivering on your mission, including: 

  • Understanding your impact within a field of study. 
  • Identifying publications from your research that became prominent, widely cited, additions to the literature corpus of your field 
  • Highlighting work that has been picked up by the media. 
  • Linking research to policy development
  • Determining whether your funding kept researchers in the field and whether it has  impacted the careers of your researchers. 
  • Comparing impact of our funding to that of others.

Topical analysis

Increasing volumes of research outputs and data are a treasure trove of information if you have the time, tools, and expertise to make sense of it. Topical analysis leverages NLP, text mining, machine learning, coding, classification, and other techniques to perform top-down and bottom-up views of what is happening in research, from broad topics areas like cancer or engineering, to granular emerging areas first mentioned a week ago. Our data, tools, and analysts can help you separate the signals from the noise, and get reliable precision/recall balanced data sets and views of any topic in global research.

Emerging Technology

Digital Science’s Dimensions platform is an ideal foundation to support your team in understanding the opportunities and threats posed by emerging technologies. With hundreds of millions documents and billions of relationships, Dimensions offers you a one-stop-shop to uncover emerging technologies wherever they occur — in the lab, in the commercial sector, in your own city, or on the other side of the world. Dimensions can help you conquer challenges of technical jargon (e.g. blockchain vs distributed ledger) and identify (even predict!) novel applications of rapidly emerging technologies. 

Emerging topics in Grants: Identify and analyze the emerging technologies among recently awarded research grants.

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Find Key Opinion Leaders to guide strategy in emerging areas of research

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