Why IFI?
IFI’s clients are in constant and continuous communication with the IFI primary database providing access to quality, up-to-date global patent data, the flagship dataset of the CLAIMS Direct platform. IFI’s proprietary data architecture is the key to creating the industry’s most complete and accurate view of a patent – all with virtually no client intervention.
Digital Science & IFI
IFI’s platform provides accurate and up-to-date data across the innovation life cycle with global patent data, the flagship dataset of the CLAIMS Direct platform.
Who we serve
CLAIMS direct empowers technology professionals and analysts in many industries. From drug development to investment banking, utilizing a high-quality patent database can lead to new discoveries.
Artificial Intelligence
Develop, enrich, and enhance your AI. Easily test your algorithms to showcase your product to potential clients with CLAIMS Direct.
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IFI’s big patent reveal is here! And 2024 was a year of novelties in our rankings. A new patent leader, fresh analysis on the state of current technology, another record high for an important patent metric. Discover all the ways patents are reinventing the world