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Research leaders invited to the fourth Transforming Research Online conference

By Alex Jackson October 7, 2020

Transforming Research Online invites registration and presentations

October 13-15, 2020

Digital Science is sponsoring Transforming Research Online for a fourth successive year, bringing research leaders across the globe together to discuss research policy, evaluation, portfolio management, funding, dissemination, and impact. 

Mike Taylor, Head of Metrics Development at Digital Science, will chair the conference which includes a keynote from Dr Charlene Le Fauve, Senior Advisor to the Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity, on the opening day. Infectious disease and vaccine research leader Carlos del Rio, Executive Associate Dean for Emory at Grady, will follow on day two. Brian Nosek, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Open Science will offer opening remarks the final day.

“We worked with academics in the USA to develop the Transforming Research conference because we wanted to bring together various communities we felt were working separately, on the same things,” says Taylor.  “For example, funders and publishers, or librarians and data visualisation people. There are very few places where these communities meet.

“The focus of the conference is about using evidence and data to transform research portfolios and focus, and to improve decision making. The nature of the conference is to support conversations. So presentations don’t dominate, we allow as much time for discussion as we do the presentation. We encourage active debate.

Registration is open and the program committee is inviting proposals for presentations from those shaping research policy and evaluation at their own institutions and more widely. Perspectives from people in government and private funding organizations, research institutes, and academic, non-profit, and commercial organizations are welcome.

Transforming Research conference format will be a series of short pre-recorded presentations followed by interactive discussion with presenters. Themes for the 2020 meeting are:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research: What helps and hinders the creation of opportunity and equity for women and other underrepresented minority groups in the process of research? We will explore DEI from several perspectives
  • Basic, Applied and Translational Research: Connections, Collaboration and Community:  We will discuss practices of interdisciplinarity and collaborative approaches to address societal and scientific challenges.
  • Open Science – Opportunities and Challenges for the Research Enterprise: Open science promises to accelerate reproducibility and research, and promote efficiencies, exemplified by the ‘completely new culture of doing research’ in response to COVID-19. From endeavor to practice, we invite discussion on costs, emerging roles, technology, incentives, competitiveness, as well as policies and regulations.
  • Rigor, Reproducibility, and Integrity in Research: Research is a human endeavor: with the usual characteristics of humanity, with its strengths and weaknesses. Solutions can come about through technological improvement, behavioral change and increased transparency: but they have to be ethical, community-led, and they have to be seen to be effective – by the research community, by funders, politicians and the general populace.

Sandra Franklin, Director of Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library at Emory University, Kim Powell, Research Impact Informationist and Jeremy Kupsco, Research Informationist, will serve as conference virtual hosts, along with the 2020 Organizing Committee.  Sponsoring organizations include Digital Science, Clarivate, and Elsevier.


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