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American Academy of Pediatrics Enhances Journals Platforms with ReadCube and Altmetric Functionality

By Alex Jackson August 16, 2017

New integrations with two Digital Science companies will provide increased discoverability and additional context for authors and readers

Wednesday, August 16 — Elk Grove Village, IL, and Cambridge, MA — The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the leading independent society publisher of professional and clinical resources for pediatricians and child health professionals, today announced an agreement with technology company Digital Science to integrate Altmetric badges into its journal platform and to have collections indexed via the ReadCube Discover program.

Through ReadCube’s Discover program, the AAP collection of journals, including the flagship journal, Pediatrics, will be deep-indexed to offer enhanced discoverability across ReadCube’s suite of web, desktop and mobile reference management and discovery tools including search engines, related article feeds and personalized recommendations. AAP articles will be available in interactive PDFs when viewed in Readcube.

Visitors to the AAP journals will be able to explore all of the online attention relating to individual articles via the Altmetric badges, which provide an indicator of the volume and reach of online engagement. Clicking on the badges will open the related Altmetric details page, where users can view all of the original mentions of the article.

AAP staff will also benefit from access to the Altmetric Explorer, a cloud-based platform that enables users to search, filter and report on the altmetrics for over 12.5 million research outputs — including over 7 million published articles.

“ReadCube’s approach to discoverability and interactive reading align perfectly with our mission to support our authors and readers across the widest range of tools and technologies. The additional context that the Altmetric attention data provides our readers will also help them understand the broader context of their research” says Joe Puskarz, Director, Division of Journal Publishing.

“The American Academy of Pediatrics’ collection brings immense value to the ReadCube community,” comments Robert McGrath, CEO of ReadCube. “We’re delighted to be working together to make their content to accessible to those who rely on it to drive medical innovation.”

Altmetric’s CEO Kathy Christian adds, “We’re really pleased that the AAP have chosen to adopt the Explorer and add Altmetric data to their journals platform, providing their users and internal teams with up-to-the-minute insights into the online engagement surrounding their publications.”

Both integrations are live now – visit the AAP journals site to find Altmetric data for individual articles, and search in ReadCube for AAP journal content.  


About The American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 66,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter @AmerAcadPeds

About ReadCube

ReadCube develops software to make the world of research more accessible and connected – serving researchers, publishers, academic and commercial organizations. ReadCube’s web, desktop, and mobile reference management apps, including ReadCube Papers, ReadCube Teams & ReadCube SmartCite, dramatically improve the way researchers find, organize, read, share, and cite research literature. With ReadCube’s advanced rights-managed content delivery technology, visualization solutions, and discovery features, ReadCube empowers publishing partners to tackle the technical challenges slowing the pace of innovation within their organizations.

Harvard researchers Robert McGrath and Siniša Hrvatin founded ReadCube in 2007, which now has offices in Cambridge, MA and Zagreb, Croatia, and is supported by Digital Science, a technology division operated by global media company, the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. To find out more about ReadCube, visit

About Altmetric

Altmetric was founded in 2011 and has made it a mission to track and analyze the online activity around scholarly literature. It collates what people are saying about published research outputs in sources such as the mainstream media, policy documents, social networks, blogs, and other scholarly and non-scholarly forums to provide a more robust picture of the influence and reach of scholarly work. Altmetric works with some of the biggest publishers, funders, and institutions around the world to deliver this data in an accessible and reliable format.

Altmetric is supported by Digital Science – a technology company that combines world-class technology with a resolute focus on scientists and those who support the research process. Find out more at and follow us on Twitter @altmetric.

About Digital Science
Digital Science is a technology company serving the needs of scientific and research communities at key points along the full cycle of research. It invests in and incubates research software companies that simplify the research cycle, making more time for discovery. Its portfolio companies include a host of leading brands including Altmetric, BioRAFT, Figshare, Labguru, Overleaf, ReadCube, GRID, Symplectic and ÜberResearch. It is operated by global media company, the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. Visit and follow @digitalsci on Twitter.

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