Digital Science is proud to be sponsoring this year’s Series speaker events at Science in the Shine Dome 2025. We are sponsoring this series: AI in Science: the Promise, perils and Path Forward.
The series will engage, inform and inspire a general public audience. The six events are delivered
throughout the year at the iconic Shine Dome, attracting a diverse audience interested in science
and how science plays a role in their everyday lives.
In 2025, the series is designed to explore the current and future implications of AI. The series will
look at how AI is helping scientists make breakthroughs in health and medicine, climate research,
agriculture and food production, space exploration, and more. The series will also delve into
potential risks, limitations and ethical issues as AI becomes increasingly prominent in science
and our society.
This event is online and in-person at the Shine Dome, Canberra.