Digital Science APAC Showcase 2021 (online)

Our Asia Pacific Virtual Showcase 2021, took place online on Monday 21 and Thursday 24 June.
With travel across across regional and international borders remaining heavily restricted, we decided to deliver our sessions live to you in your offices, lounges and at your kitchen tables. Presentations from our portfolio product teams, Altmetric, Dimensions, Figshare, Overleaf, Ripeta and Symplectic, aimed to give you more information about their products and show you how they can help your workflows. Please see the links below to view a recording of any of the sessions.
Monday 21 June: 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM (AEST)
An Overview of Symplectic Elements – VIEW RECORDING
New to Symplectic Elements, or want a refresher? This short session is a perfect introduction to our platform, highlighting its key use cases and most-used features. Elements brings multiple data sources together in one centralised space, allowing you to easily manage research information and funding workflows, derive powerful new insights, and showcase the real-world impact of your work.
Tuesday 22 June & Wednesday 23 June
Designed specifically for existing users, these sessions provided updates (including version 6), client showcases, details on moving to hosting and introduction to the Research Funding Solution and much more (view the full agenda here).
Thursday 24 June
Figshare Session: 8:00 – 8:50 AM (AEST) – VIEW RECORDING
- 8:00 – 8:40 AM Figshare: Overview, highlights and what’s new (Mark Hahnel, CEO)
- 8:40 – 8:50 AM Figments: Figshare and Symplectic Elements integration at Central Queensland University (Nicole Healy, Central Queensland University)
Dimensions Session: 9:00 – 9:50 AM (AEST) – VIEW RECORDING
- 9:00 – 9:30 AM Pathway to the new FoR codes (Simon Porter, Director of Innovation, Digital Science)
- 9:30 – 9:50 AM Beginner’s guide to Dimensions on Google BigQuery (Danu Poyner and Jared Watts, Dimensions)
Interested in playing with Dimensions on Google BigQuery but not sure where to start? Danu and Jared will take you through what you need to know to get started with your first project and where to get help as you begin to explore further.
Overleaf Session: 10:00 – 10:30 AM (AEST) – VIEW RECORDING
Overleaf Use at Institutions (John Hammersley, CEO and Co-Founder, Overleaf)
Overleaf, the award-winning collaborative LaTeX authoring platform, is being used by students, faculty, researchers and institutions around the world. John Hammersley, CEO and Co-Founder of Overleaf will be talking through how Overleaf is being used successfully at institutions and taking questions from the audience. He will cover a short look back into the origins of Overleaf, an overview of the platform, and specific use cases at universities like Purdue, research institutions like CERN, and in the publishing community. He’ll then finish with answering questions about Overleaf, or more specifically our Institutional offerings.
Ripeta Session: 11:00 – 11:30 AM (AEST) – VIEW RECORDING
Trust in Your Research – Trust in Your Institution: Ripeta Quality Checks for Reproducibility and Professionalism
(Leslie McIntosh, CEO and Founder, Ripeta)
Research integrity and good scientific practices are critical for faculty that work within academic institutions. In this talk we will discuss how institutions can use new machine learning and NLP tools to meet and track funder and journal reporting requirements, saving compliance-checking time while assessing the overall quality of science published on their campuses in comparison to other institutions.
Altmetric Session: 12:00 – 12:30 PM (AEST) – VIEW RECORDING
Sentiment analysis for Altmetric data (Stacy Konkiel, Senior Data Analyst, Altmetric)
The public may be talking about your research but what do these conversations mean? Sentiment analysis is increasingly necessary to determine true research influence at scale.
In this talk, Altmetric Senior Data Analyst, Stacy Konkiel, will demystify sentiment analysis for altmetrics data. Using the free and open source tools anyone can use to perform textual analysis on Altmetric data, you will learn how easy it is to get up and running with your own sentiment analysis project in minutes.
Dimensions Webinar: 1:00 – 2:00 PM (AEST) – WATCH ON DEMAND
Informing Collection Development with the Dimensions API: an interview with Lauren Castle at UNSW
Lauren Castle is a Collection Development Librarian at the University of New South Wales. Lauren’s team have been using the Dimensions API to provide additional insight into how the Library Collection is used and to inform collection development decisions. In this interview and Q&A session, find out how Lauren uses Python and Google Sheets to access the Dimensions API to extract data on which journals researchers at our institution are publishing in and citing, as well as open access trends.
Using Altmetric, Dimensions & Figshare together: 2:15 – 2:45 PM (AEST) – VIEW RECORDING
Visualise Your Thesis: Components of the Research Lifecycle using Digital Science Tools with speakers from University of Melbourne
In this presentation, representatives of the University of Melbourne’s “Visualise Your Thesis” competition will discuss how they have used Figshare as a learning tool to teach graduate researchers about different components of the research lifecycle. By utilising the Figshare repository, librarians have been able to provide real-life examples of how interoperable systems work together to track bibliometrics (including Altmetric attention and citations from Dimensions), highlight the use of Author Identifiers, the importance of creative commons, and how an online presence works into an overall ‘research narrative’. Speakers, include:
- Eleanor Colla, Program Manager, Scholarly Development (Research) at University of Melbourne
- Kathryn Lindsay, Senior Librarian, Science, Engineering and IT at University of Melbourne
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Altmetric Webinar – WATCH ON DEMAND
How to use the Altmetric Explorer API (Charlotte Perry-Houts, Implementation Manager)
Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about how you can use the Altmetric Explorer API to develop a deeper understanding of the data Altmetric Explorer gathers, easily build your own search and dive into tailored ideas and use cases.
NB: programme is subject to change at the organiser’s discretion