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PIDapalooza – Be There or Be Square!
Alice Meadows, Director of Community Engagement & Support, ORCID
PIDapalooza – the first open festival for scholarly research persistent identifiers, aims to prove that PIDs are not only essential, they’re also cool.
This two-day event will bring together creators and users of persistent identifiers (PIDs) from around the world at the Radisson Blu Saga Hotel Reykjavik from the 9th to the 10th of November, 2016. The event will consist of two days of discussions and brainstorming; demos, workshops, and updates surrounding the state of the art.
PIDs – whether for people, places, or things – are an essential part of the digital research information infrastructure. They help support proper attribution and credit; promote collaboration and reuse; enable reproducibility of findings; and foster faster and more efficient sharing and dissemination of scholarly works.
Co-hosted by California Digital Library, Crossref, DataCite, and ORCID, PIDapalooza aims to catalyze the development of PID-enabled community tools and services.
Registration is now open – come join the festival with a crowd of committed innovators, and help spread the word about PIDapalooza in your community!
Community participation is invited through a call for proposals. Please use this form to send your ideas for sessions by September 18th. Festival themes include:
- PID myths. Are PIDs better in our minds than in reality? PID stands for Persistent Identifier, but what does that mean and does such a thing exist?
- Achieving persistence. So many factors affect persistence: mission, oversight, funding, succession, redundancy, and governance. Is open infrastructure for scholarly communication the key to achieving persistence?
- PIDs for emerging uses. Long-term identifiers are no longer just for digital objects – we have use cases for people, organizations, vocabulary terms, and more. What additional use cases are you working on?
- Legacy PIDs. There are of thousands of venerable old identifier systems that people want to continue using and bring into the modern data citation ecosystem. How can we manage this effectively?
- The I-word. What would make heterogeneous PID systems “interoperate” optimally? Would standardized metadata and APIs across PID types solve many of the problems, if so, how would that be achieved? What about standardized link/relation types?
- PIDagogy. It’s a challenge for those who provide PID services and tools to engage the wider community. How do you teach, learn, persuade, discuss, and improve adoption? What does it mean to build a pedagogy for PIDs?
- PID stories. Which strategies worked? Which strategies failed? Tell us your horror stories! Share your victories!
- Kinds of persistence. What are the frontiers of ‘persistence’? We hear lots about fraud prevention with identifiers for scientific reproducibility, but what about data papers promoting PIDs for long-term access to reliably improving objects (software, pre-prints, datasets) or live data feeds?
Visit the PIDapalooza website for more information and follow @PIDapalooza for all the latest updates.
Join the conversation using #pidapalooza
The team at PIDapalooza hopes to see you there!