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Emiglio the Robot Takes Top Executive Role at Digital Science

We are excited and proud to welcome a new addition to the Digital Science family – Emiglio the Robot. The team at Digital Science have been so inspired by Elon Musk’s recently announced goal to merge computers with human brains that we have awarded a top executive role to a talented robot. We believe that it is better to start a long and profitable partnership with machines before the inevitable happens and they take all our jobs.
“I am excited to see what Emiglio can bring to the Digital Science portfolio and I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship between man and machine.” Daniel Hook, CEO at Digital Science.
Emiglio brings a wealth of experience to the role, having previously held managerial posts at Figshare. We hope Emiglio will guide Digital Science into a bright future where humans and machines work together in harmony.

As you can see below, Emiglio isn’t afraid of getting stuck in. His superior learning skills allow him to absorb information at extraordinary rates!
Emiglio commented on his new position:
“I can’t wait to be part of the team at Digital Science! I live to learn and I look forward to discussing business strategy as well as the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Let’s explore space together!”.

We hope others will follow in Emiglio’s footsteps. We truly believe this represents a momentous stepping stone in the human journey!