Since the last successful #FuturePub, an event series hosted by our portfolio company Overleaf, the team are holding their tenth event as a pre-LBF meetup on March 13th!
The evenings are designed to be fun and informal -giving opportunities to those working on new ideas and innovations a chance to present and get feedback on their ideas. And, of course the free pizza!

Speaker line-up coming soon!
There are still a few slots free, so if you have a cool new product or innovation you’ve been working on, do get in touch!
The Stables, Digital Science
Opposite the Springer Nature Glasshouse Building
2 Trematon Walk, Wharfdale Road,
N1 9FN
Doors open at 6:00pm and the talks will kick off at 7pm. Space at the venue is limited, so please register below for your free tickets now to reserve your place!