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Survey on Sharing Data and Open Data

In association with Springer Nature, we would like to invite participants to take part in a survey on sharing data and open data. The survey closes on the 30th of June.
Who is this survey aimed at
If you are currently an academic working in the research sphere, or have been an active researcher previously, we would encourage you to take part.
The goal of the survey
The aim of the survey is to find out more about experiences and attitudes towards sharing data, how research data is handled, challenges that researchers and Institutions face in regard to data, and its impact on workload and resources.
What will we do with the results?
Results from this survey will be feeding into a ‘state of research data’ report that will also include a number of invited pieces from significant thought leaders talking about the problems of open data, the challenges facing this aspect of the research landscape globally. You will also be able to indicate at the end of the survey if you would like to receive a copy of this report.
How long will it take?
The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. At the end there will be an opportunity to enter a prize draw to win one of five £100 amazon vouchers.
You can find out more here, including the T&Cs of the survey.