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Hosting Services Now Available for Symplectic Elements
Our most mature portfolio company, Symplectic, who have just turned 13, now provide hosted instances of Elements, the world’s leading research information management system.
Why is this important, you ask?
Traditionally, an institution would have to provide their own local servers for Elements to run on, and dedicate a certain amount of resource to keeping these online, backed up, and secure.
Symplectic’s new hosting services now eliminate the need for institutions to host and manage their own infrastructure, or concern themselves with monitoring and performance, so they can focus on using the software itself.
How does this help?
This means that local implementations and server setup are no longer the responsibility of an institution, and updates are handled automatically by the Symplectic team. This also includes a rigorous monitoring, backup and security policy, to further ensure security of data, and high-performance servers that come with the notable benefits of Amazon Web Services.
Michael Metcalf, Communications Officer at Symplectic, explains the benefits of this news:
“We’re really excited to bring this major evolution of our service to the research community. Our commitment to researchers has always been to reduce the administrative burden throughout institutions, so maximum effort can be concentrated on the research itself. By hosting one or more Elements installations remotely, we continue to deliver on this commitment, by saving institutions significant investments in time, labour, and therefore, money.
We’ve already worked with select institutions to implement hosting setups, and have so far seen really high levels of satisfaction. We’re looking forward to sharing some of these case studies with the community soon. It’s an exciting time for the company – we’re about to release a major new version of Elements too, with significant new features and user experience improvements – so this couldn’t have come at a better time.”