TL;DR Shorts: Dr Etosha Cave on a Collaborative Future for Research

17th September 2024

In this week’s TL;DR Shorts episode we’re revisiting Dr Etosha Cave, a mechanical engineer who wants to catalyse more collaborative creativity to solve the big problems our global society is facing.

Dr Cave is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Twelve, a chemical technology company that is working on converting excess carbon dioxide into useful materials such as sustainable fuels and plastics. We recorded her thoughts at last year’s Science Foo Camp, or Sci Foo – an unconference that brings together people from numerous different backgrounds, levels and types of experience to see which hot topics and future collaborations arise.

Dr Etosha Cave shares her thoughts on creative collaboration for problem solving in research – check out the video on the Digital Science YouTube channel:

Given the Sci Foo setting, it was perhaps no surprise that when Etosha was asked about what the future of research might look like, she talked about collaboration and groups of diverse make-up working together to solve problems. She hopes that in the future we can benefit from the creation of more innovation playgrounds to catalyse creative thinking for big teams of diverse minds that are focused on solving a specific problem. This space for creativity is certainly an ethos that Etosha applies to her and her teams’ work at Twelve.

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